Help My Allergies Arent Going AwayPeople who suffer from seasonal allergies know that when spring and fall arrive, it's time to stock up on tissues. Spring and warmer temperatures are accompanied by new blooms and sneezing. When the weather cools down after the hot summer months and October arrives, the sneezing and nose tickling return. 

Seasonal allergies can be aggravating for many people and prevent them from spending time outside. Did you know that chiropractic care can help you with your allergies?

How to Prepare for Allergy Season

People who suffer from seasonal allergies are frequently allergic to pollen from trees, weeds, and grass, as well as mold spores in the air. Depending on what irritates you the most, you may have greater seasonal allergies in the spring or fall. Seasonal allergies include sneezing, itchy eyes, a stuffy nose, a runny nose, and a scratchy throat.

How can you prepare for allergy season? Knowing what sorts of pollen and mold cause your seasonal allergies to flare up is a great way to prepare. 

This can help you know when to avoid spending too much time outside when the flowers and greenery are in bloom. You can also make an appointment with your Asheville’s Monitto Chiropractic to get relief from seasonal allergies.

Seasonal Allergies and Allergic Reactions

Seasonal allergies can produce a wide range of symptoms. Sneezing and sniffling may irritate some people when they are outside but disappear when they come indoors. Others may experience itchy and watery eyes, a scratchy or painful throat, and more severe allergic reactions.

The condition that produces these unpleasant sensations in your nose, throat, and eyes is known as hay fever. Hay fever is a kind of rhinitis in which your immune system is stimulated to assist remove foreign particles from your body. 

If you have seasonal allergies, your immune system may overreact to the increased pollen or mold in your environment. As your body attempts to expel the spores, you may experience sneezing, coughing, a runny nose, and watery eyes.

Chiropractic Care for Seasonal Allergies

So, how might a chiropractor help with seasonal allergies? Spinal adjustments are used to treat more than just back and neck pain. In fact, your spine and neurological system work with your immune system. 

This means that a chiropractor can improve your immune system. Misalignments in the spine might obstruct the brain's messages and signals to the rest of your body. 

A spinal misalignment can hinder your body's capacity to function normally, including how your immune system responds to allergens. Resolving spinal misalignments can help restore your neurological system, which improves your entire body. Chiropractic adjustments can help your immune system work better, and your body's response to allergens that irritate your seasonal allergies.

Visit Monitto Chiropractic to learn more about chiropractic treatment options for reducing spring and fall allergies. We are here to help!